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Medical services are the sheet anchor of most general hospitals. They are so closely related to all other departments that sharp lines cannot be drawn to delineate specific responsibilities. Policies and procedures should not only be available in writing but updated periodically. Consultations should be readily available and the organisational relationships with related specialties should be clearly understood. Therapeutic procedures must be only on written prescription of clinicians, consultants, and the audit committee must have clear and well-established criteria of professional care.

Registration/OPD Timings
On Working Days

  • 8:00 am to 8:00 pm

On Saturday
  • 9:00 am to 4:15 pm (Registration Timings)
  • 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (OPD Timings)

On Sunday/During Holidays
  • 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Emergency Duty Hours (Doctors)
On Working Days
  • From 8:00 am to 2:00 pm (Hospital Doctor + Outsourced Doctor)
  • From 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Hospital Doctor + Outsourced Doctor)
  • From 8:00 pm to 8:00 am of the next day (Hospital Doctor on call + Outsourced agency Doctor Physically Present)

On Saturday
  • From 8:00 am to 2:00 pm (Hospital Doctor + Outsourced Doctor)
  • • From 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Outsourced Agency Doctor Physically Present)
  • From 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Hospital Doctor on call)
  • From 8:00 pm to 8:00 am of the next day (Hospital Doctor on call + Outsourced agency Doctor Physically Present)

On Sunday/During Holidays
  • From 8:00 am to 2:00 pm (Hospital Doctor Phsyically Present)
  • From 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Outsourced Agency Doctor Physically Present)
  • From 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Hospital Doctor on call)
  • From 8:00 pm to 8:00 am of the next day (Hospital Doctor on call + Outsourced agency Doctor Physically Present)

Specialist Appoinments
  • Evening: 5:30 pm Onwards

Laboratory Tests
In Working Days
  • Morning: 8.00 am to 1.00 pm
  • Afternoon: 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm

National Holiday
Hospital OPD will remains closed on 26th January, 15th August and on 2nd October


Excellent Medical Services

24/7 Emergency Service

Emergency medical services, also known as ambulance services or paramedic services, are emergency services that treat diseases and injuries that require an immediate medical response, so the hospital provides patient transport vehicles 24 hours a day. Patients are taken from home (on campus) to the hospital and the patients are referred to the impaneled hospital…


It should be an extension of the total hospital service itself, for those who do not require hospital bed care. The quality of care should be of a high standard, and all professional activities should be under supervision of a senior staff member. Adequate number of physicians should be available, with appropriate coordinated support from laboratory, radiology and pharmacy services.

Extensive Operation Theater

Emergency medical services, also known as ambulance services or paramedic services, are emergency services that treat diseases and injuries that require an immediate medical response, so the hospital provides patient transport vehicles 24 hours a day. Patients are taken from home (on campus) to the hospital and the patients are referred to the impaneled hospital…

Ambulance Service

24 hours patient transport vehicle available. Patients are transported from home (on campus) to hospital and patients referred by emergency duty doctor to empanelled hospital for specialized care

Indoor Pharmacy

Emergency medical services, also known as ambulance services or paramedic services, are emergency services that treat diseases and injuries that require an immediate medical response, so the hospital provides patient transport vehicles 24 hours a day. Patients are taken from home (on campus) to the hospital and the patients are referred to the impaneled hospital…

ICU Services

Emergency medical services, also known as ambulance services or paramedic services, are emergency services that treat diseases and injuries that require an immediate medical response, so the hospital provides patient transport vehicles 24 hours a day. Patients are taken from home (on campus) to the hospital and the patients are referred to the impaneled hospital…


Make An Appointment For Your Family

Prepare for your visits, take notes or ask for written materials, make decisions with your doctor that meet your needs be sure, you are getting the message Tell the doctor, if you feel rushed, worried or uncomfortable.

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Get In Touch

Neelachal is a multi-specialty hospital, with state-of-the-art technology, located in the heart of Bhubaneswar serving patients for last 19 Years.

Unit-III, Bhubaneswar


0674-2536590, 2536591, 2536592, 2536594


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