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Medical services are the sheet anchor of most general hospitals. They are so closely related to all other departments that sharp lines cannot be drawn to delineate specific responsibilities. Policies and procedures should not only be available in writing but updated periodically. Consultations should be readily available and the organisational relationships with related specialties should be clearly understood.


Frequently Asked Question

Mountains in the Clouds

You can schedule an appointment online at https://neelachalhospital.org/ to schedule a medical appointment or Online Consultation at https://www.sehat.com/doctors-list/neelachal-hospital-bhubaneswar and learn more about the hospitals. Alternatively, you can fill in the form at our Ask Us section.

No all services provided at a specialized rate at neelachal hospital there is provision for our perfect customers. We have many loyalties programs for our loyal customers.

Ya we provide online booking facility through our website where you can direct booking appointment for you proffered medical service.

In normal days there is no such waiting period for general checkups. If there are some operations so that there are waiting period of maximum 30 minutes. and for emergency there are no waiting period.

It is essential to provide thorough information about your health records, medical history, current medication, and so forth. If you are referred to Neelachal Hospitals by a doctor in your residing country, it is recommended to bring along the contact details of the doctor to your scheduled appointment.

Get In Touch

Neelachal is a multi-specialty hospital, with state-of-the-art technology, located in the heart of Bhubaneswar serving patients for last 19 Years.

Unit-III, Bhubaneswar


0674-2536590, 2536591, 2536592, 2536594


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